Write for Us

We think that the team responsible for providing assistance to customers is just as accountable for the success of the firm as any other team. We want to ensure that support teams are equipped with the data, measurements, and expertise that will enable them to fight for and defend the customer when corporate choices are being made.

If you follow the principles that are listed below, your submission will have a much higher chance of being taken into consideration, which is one of the goals of this guide, which is to assist you in getting the most out of your pitch.

Suggestions For Discussions

You have the option of contributing to one of the following categories on our blog:

  •  Home improvement
  •  Business
  •  Finance
  •  Automotive
  •  Lifestyle
  •  Technology
  •  Family/parenting
  •  Travel
  •  Entertainment

Writing Guidelines

We do not have a minimum or maximum word count; rather than focusing on hitting numbers, we would like for you to concentrate on creating extremely excellent material in which each and every word is important.

Your contribution needs to be completely unique and should not have been posted anywhere else.

Refrain from making the content sound too promotional overall. You are permitted to include a link to one of your websites in the author bio area, in addition to the one link that can be included in the main body of the article itself.

It would be very appreciated if you could locate a means to connect to one of our earlier blog postings. This would be a tremendous bonus!

Whenever you add a quotation, study, or piece of data, you should always link back to its original source.

Organize your article into distinct sections using subheadings, and make sure that you conclude it with a conclusion that highlights the most important issues that you’ve discussed throughout the piece.

You should only use photos or GIFs in your post if you are going to use them as examples to prove a point.

The titles of your posts are important; come up with at least three distinct possibilities for each one.

Guidelines For Your Tone Of Speech

We want our material to communicate with our audience in the most effective manner possible. It is recommended that you read a couple of our blog entries in order to get a sense of the overall tone of the site. You’ll be able to tell by our tone that:

  •  Authoritative and self-assured, without ever displaying arrogance
  •  Comparable to the advice of a reliable friend or confidant who has been in a similar situation previously
  •  Enthusiastic and has strong opinions
  •  Tolerant and kind in demeanor.
  •  Compassionate and knowledgeable in the field
  •  Approachable and engaging in discussion
  •   Comforting and encouraging in nature 

We Are Constantly:

  •  Private – you and your belongings
  •   Be specific, referring to “your customer” rather than “customers.”
  •  Absence of buzzwords; we assist you, rather than empowering businesses; you will expand, rather than businesses being able to optimize growth potential.
  •  Accurate, short, clear

Google Keyword Searches For More Guest Posting Opportunities

If you’re looking to contribute to other blogs as well, we recommend searching these keywords on Google:

”Write for us”

“Guest post contribution”

“Guest article”

“Become a contributor”

“Guest blogging”

“Submit an article”

“Write for us” “Technology”

“Write for us” “Healthtech”

“Write for us” “Artificial Intelligence”

“Write for us” “Blockchain”

“Write for us” “Software testing”

“Write for us” “Software development”

“Write for us” “Fintech”

“Write for us” “Tech News”

“Write for us” “Startups”

“Submit Guest post”

“Guest Writers Needed”

“Sponsored Post”

“Write for us paid”

“Write for us free”

“Write for us Guest post”

“Guest blogging”

“Guest post websites”

“Guest bloggers”

“Guest blogging sites”

“Guest blogging platform”

“Free Article submission”

“Article writing sites”

“Article publishing sites”

“Guest blogging opportunity”

“Sponsored Post website”

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