Cbd is one of the more than 110 cannabinoids found in hemp.

Aceite cbd has emerged as a natural and safer alternative to traditional products for boosting general health. Due to the high THC level in such cannabis strains, studies have discovered that frequent cannabis usage may develop into a habit for certain people.

Cbd is not addictive in and of itself, and hemp-derived cbd oil has just 0.3 percent THC or less, which isn’t enough to get you high.

Today, we’ll go into cbd and addiction in more detail; first, let’s look at how cbd interacts with your brain.

What role does cbd play in the brain?

When it comes to cbd oil’s neurological effects, the body’s endocannabinoid system is in charge (ecs). Endocannabinoids, which are naturally generated ligands that bind to cannabinoid receptors, are found in the ecs (cb1 and cb2). Although many experts believe there are more than simply the two aforementioned cannabinoid receptors, cb1 and cb2 are thought to be the most important.

Because cb1 receptors are largely present in the central nervous system, they aid in the regulation of coordination, mood, and other physical processes. Cb2 receptors, on the other hand, are found in the immune system and impact inflammation and pain. The ecs is in charge of regulating activities including hunger, pain, and memory via these receptors.

Cbd has a lower impact on ecs receptors because it lacks a direct affinity for the cb1 receptor. Instead, by prompting the ecs to create more anandamide — one of the two primary endocannabinoids — it can indirectly enhance endocannabinoid levels and improve the functioning of this receptor. Cbd also delays the breakdown of anandamide, resulting in increased anandamide concentrations in your circulatory system on a regular basis.

Cbd can also target the serotonin 1a receptor. It will be able to target processes involved in mood stability and emotional regulation in this way.

The impact of cbd on cb2 receptors may also aid in the reduction of oxidative stress. The disruption in the equilibrium between the formation of reactive oxygen species (ros) and antioxidant defenses is referred to as oxidative stress.

Understanding addiction’s mechanisms

Let’s make sure you understand how addiction works now that you know cbd is safe and non-addictive.

In brief, addiction has a huge impact on the brain, and it usually manifests itself in three ways: excessive yearning for something, lack of control over its use, and continued participation with it despite the negative effects.

  • Pleasure inducers

Pleasure is recognised in the brain in the same manner regardless of where it originates (narcotic drugs, monetary reward, sexual encounter, etc). Pleasure is felt in a unique way because it causes the neurotransmitter dopamine to be released in the nucleus accumbens. The nucleus accumbens is a group of nerve cells located underneath the cerebral cortex.

  • Observed behavior

When a conditioned response develops, dopamine not only aids in the elicitation of a pleasurable emotion, but it also aids in learning and memory processes. Dopamine has been shown to take over the brain’s reward system by interacting with another neurotransmitter called glutamate, according to a current theory regarding addiction. This sort of brain system is critical for maintaining life because it connects actions that are necessary for human survival with pleasure and reward.


By Arianna