Imagine chicken nuggets floating from the heavens, buzzing around and hitting you in the face. Cow lives in this world now. And if your home is in the Midwestern or Eastern United States you might find it in your dog’s.
Cicadas are large and mostly black with yellow stripes. You may already know what they look like. They have red eyes and orange wings. They fly slow and are often very difficult to catch because they are so low to their ground.
Cicadas don’t bite or sting and are therefore immune to aggressive dogs like Cow.
Are Cicadas Safe To Eat?
Cicadas emerge after 17 year from their underground tunnels. They shed their skin. They are soft and squishy within minutes. Their wings and exoskeleton soon harden for that crispy, irresistible exterior.
They are edible and can be enjoyed by any squirrels, raccoons or wild animals that live around them. They’re also popular among dogs who love to eat them, and they don’t seem to mind being hurt.
Even humans eat cicadas sometimes. Cicadas are considered a culinary delight in many cultures. They are closely related in taste and texture to shrimp. Cicadas are also allergenic to people allergic to shrimp.
Dogs can have their bones disintegrated by the acidic stomach.
Dogs with sensitive stomachs can throw up if they have too many cicadas.
Cow’s exciting summer
Cow suffered an acute pancreatitis-like attack in July. Although she has been well managed, her diet includes Solid Gold Fit & Fabulous and Honest Cook Whole Grain Chicken. Yesterday, however, she suffered from diarrhea. She pooped a lot better today but her stomach issues are still a problem.
Cicadas contain low levels of fat and should not cause flare ups. But, I still wish to limit her summer consumption. Particularly because she becomes so obsessed with bugs, she’s had meltdowns and stopped walking when she should have been.
To make matters worse the toads are now visible. The toads emerge at night, and she screams every single time she sees them.
Last night, she was able grab one and continue to eat it. Oh, how I giddy just thinking about it. I think it was her peeing inside her mouth. Oh, god.
She finally let it go. It flew away unharmed.
We have Eastern American Toads in our backyard, but they are mildly toxic to dogs. They can make your dog’s stomach foam and cause vomiting. However, they aren’t dangerous.
Cow is possibly becoming immune to toxin. Her mouth didn’t even foam up that time. But the toads in our area don’t deserve her fury.