The open wound could cause infection. Two main reasons it happens are a dirty area and poor piercing treatment.

The risk of injury is reduced by selecting the right type of piercer. This will ensure they are proficient in the techniques and have all the necessary equipment.

Proper piercing hygiene is a problem. Healthy lifestyle choices are essential. This guide can be a great resource if you are unsure where to start.

1. A Piercing Is an Open Wound

A piercing should be treated as an open wound. Don’t touch the wound.

88% of disease-causing germs live in your hands. Under your fingernails, dirt and bacteria can collect.

These germs can spread from any surface, including your own hands. You can transmit them to your piercings and cause infection.

Hand washing is essential before touching any piercings for cleaning purposes. The soap-water combination will kill any microbes.

2. Hair Can Transfer Bacteria to Wounds

Did you realize that your hair also keeps all the dirt, grime and other substances in it? Even after washing, hair products still stay. It collects bacteria and other particles, which can be found on many surfaces.

During the healing process, avoid contact of hair with the wound. This applies more to those with earpiercings. Hair ties or headbands can be used to keep your hair straight.

If you have longer hair, it is a good idea to pull your hair back at night. This prevents your hair from tangling with your jewelry or piercings while you are sleeping.

3. Sensitive Fresh Piercings

If you are unable to avoid touching the piercing using your clean hands, don’t touch it. Do not pull on or tug at the skin. Also, don’t turn the jewelry because it can cause skin irritations and delay healing.

To prevent piercings from coming into contact with clothing (e.g., the navel or nape), ensure that your clothing is always clean. Keep the area healing from tight clothing and lace.

If you need to rotate the jewelry, make sure it’s still wet. If the jewelry is dry, it could aggravate the injury.

4. There are two right and one wrong cleaning solutions

Many people suggest using a variety of cleaning products. Piercers are different and have different cleaning recommendations. If you look at a lot of information about piercings, there will be conflicting suggestions.

A saline solution will work best for your piercings. One should be provided by your body piercer. If it is not, you can always make or purchase one.

Also, water and soap can be used safely. Oil-based soaps are best. They can help to soften healing tissue.

It is possible to suggest alcohol but it is not recommended. It will, at most, make the wound sting. Worse, alcohol can dry out wounds and cause cracking, bleeding, and even death.

5. You need to keep the jewellery in

When we say leave the Piercing alone, it also means to not wear your jewelry while you sleep. New piercings should remain in place regardless of what. If you take the jewelry out, the wound will close quickly.

The jewelry should remain in place until the wound heals. Once the holes are closed, you will need to wait several weeks before you can get the area pierced once again.

6. Some types require more care

The specific area will determine which type of bodypiercing care you require. Some areas may require more attention than others.

Oral piercings can mean that you must be more careful about what foods you eat. This means that you will need to rinse your mouth more often and brush your teeth at least two times daily. Warm salty waters are best as they have antibacterial properties.

If in doubt, ask your piercer about care tips for body piercing. Because they know your pierced site best, they can give you tips.

7. Your overall health affects the healing process

It is possible to speed up the healing process by maintaining a healthy body. It can prevent infection. You can speeden the healing process with proper nutrients.

Even though they are small, piercings can still be treated with good habits. So your body can work on the wounds, it is important to get as much rest possible.

Pay close attention to what you are drinking and consuming. Drink plenty of water and keep your mouth clean.

8. Irritation can mimic infection

Even with proper care for your piercings, there is still the possibility of an infection. Sometimes, it’s due to excessive moisture. Other times it could be because of cheap jewelry.

High-quality piercings are recommended such as Jewelry.

Get treatment as soon as you notice an infection. You should look out for these signs:

  • Extreme redness
  • Discolored pus
  • The choice between tenderness and pain
  • You should feel warm to your touch
  • Excessive swelling

Some of these signs may also show up in wound irritation. Customers panic when they see the signs.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, contact your piercer. Your first stop should be at the piercer. They will look at the pierce and determine whether or not you should go to the doctor.

Avoid seeing a doctor because they can often dismiss it as an illness.

Get More Information on Proper Piercing Care

Piercings have become so routine that many people consider them to be a part of their daily life. Keep in mind, even though you have pierced your skin, it may take several weeks for it to heal. Consider these tips to prevent future grief.

The first step in self-care is learning. It is worth looking for the best piercer in your city. Verify their online reputation. Look for positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers.

By Arianna